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Come to Planet X!
One of television's longest running shows joins the revoluTVion.
Since 1995, Planet X has been covering international action, alternative, adventure and extreme sports events, such as: surf, skate, snowboarding, BMX, wakeboarding, off-road, jetski, rock climbing, snowmobiling, skydiving, base jumping, and much more.

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revoluTVIon is the fastest growing television content provider in the US.
Broadcast stations with digital subchannels, educational and college TV stations, IPTV providers, regional cable and sports networks can all become affiliates of revoluTVion. Inquire now.

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revoluTVion is a fast-pace television network with more then 60% of it's content being under 15 minutes in length. Rather then follow one format or programming niche, we focus on covering everything that's relevant, fresh and exciting. Programming includes hot new television series, independent films and shorts, breaking new music videos and topical content from more then two dozen programming partners ranging from magazines to newspapers to social media platforms and organizations. Original creativity, unique perspectives, exceptionally good entertainment..that's revoluTVion and it's available where you live, no matter where you live .
revoluTVion is many things but never boring and never hard to access. It's the Network you've been waiting for all your life. So you free your TV forever by tuning into the Network that your television was created for!
come join the revoluTVion !

New Show

From the executive producers of The Vampire Diaries comes WENDY - a new series about a girl who must choose between the boy she loves and the boy of her dreams.
It's a new take on Peter Pan you won't want to miss. Now available for binging on revoluTVion on demand!